
Delivered by Máximo Cabrera

A 2:00 hour online class taught by Máximo Cabrera. Vinegars can be seen as the last stage of a transformation journey, in which a sweet must becomes first a spirit and finally a valuable food resource. This Artisanal Vinegars course focuses on the fermentative principles that allow us to generate vinegar from an alcoholic base, such as wine, or from a sugary syrup, such as apple or pineapple juice. We will analyze the role of Acetobacter, essential bacteria that, through the aceto-fermentation process, convert alcohol into acetic acid, the main component of vinegar.


    1. Welcome to your next #liveclass

    2. Revive la clase de Vinagres Vivos

    1. Live Vinegars Recipe Book

    1. We will explore the interactions between ingredients, oxygen and types of techniques that result in complex and multifaceted products.

    1. Red Wine Vinegar with Rosemary

    1. Vinegar with Pineapple and Ginger

    1. Vinegar with Blackberry and Kombucha

About the Class

  • $50.00
  • Live Class Via Zoom
  • Language Spanish, Subtitles in English.
  • Download the complete recipe booklet

If you have an Annual Membership, this course is already included in your plan.

  • $50.00

    In US$ with Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal. The value is expressed in US$, when making the payment you will be able to select your currency.


In Ars the cost is $ 50.000 and you can sign up for up to 6 installments without interest with Mercado Pago.

Some comments on the course

#liveclass in Studio Crudo

Live classes are virtual classes that are delivered via zoom. For this you need to download this application to your device. The class lasts 2 hours, you can ask questions during the meeting. The class will be recorded and available for 7 days so you can review the concepts learned. You will also get in our classroom downloadable PDF recipe books and certificate of completion issued by Estudio Crudo. We welcome you to #larevolucionsilenciosa.

Máximo Cabrera

Chef, researcher and disseminator of Vegetable Based Cuisine. Latin American reference, he has studied and experienced the implications of our food choices on our health and that of our environment. Creator of the first plant based restaurants in Argentina, gastronomic advisor and trainer of new gastronomes, both cooks and diners.

Maximo Cabrera

Studio Curator Crudo