A course where we guide you to take your first steps in the world of Natural Fermentation Probiotic Sodas.

"Bacteria play a critical role in many aspects of our physiological functioning, and and fermented foods can support, replenish and diversify our microbial ecology, which can also be key to adapting to changing conditions. may be key to adapting to changing conditions. "

"Probiotic beverages are, moreover, simple to incorporate into our diet. On the other hand, having the possibility of replacing carbonated beverages or industrial juices, with their known consequences on our health (such as the inclusion of preservatives, stabilizers, high glycemic index, etc.) with these energizing and consequences on our health (such as the inclusion of preservatives, stabilizers, high glycemic index, etc.) by these energizing and life-charged tonics is a great evolution."

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    1. Using the discards of fruits such as pineapple and apples, we create an ancestral, simple and exquisite drink.

    1. We will see how to work with cultures, their conservation and their universe of possibilities. Among them: great benefits for your microbiota and its power of multiplication that invites you to share.

    1. We dive into the world of Kombuchas: bacteria and yeasts living together in symbiosis for a common good. The result is an exquisite drink in constant evolution.

    1. You will learn to have one more parameter to register and control the acidity or alkalinity of our beverages.

    1. We go one step further. We add to the probiotic benefits of our beverages, the potency of herbs and superfoods to generate unique elixirs. We open the door to alchemy.

About the Course

  • 9 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Máximo Cabrera

Learn with:

Chef, researcher and disseminator of Vegetable Based Cuisine. Latin American reference, he has studied and experienced the implications of our food choices on our health and that of our environment. Creator of the first plant based restaurants in Argentina, gastronomic advisor and trainer of new gastronomes, both cooks and diners.

Maximo Cabrera

Studio Curator Crudo