In this course you will achieve complex pieces, with deep flavors and you will recover the pleasure of eating matured CHEESE and 100% Plant Based.

"Fermenting seeds and other vegetable substrates allows us to innovate in the field of cheese in a disruptive way. We obtain noble products with great organoleptic and sensory potential that remind us of their animal analogues but with a very particular character and personality. The next step is to carry out inoculations with molds using traditional techniques and thus obtain unique pieces of Roquefort, Camembert or Brie. "

"100% plant based naturally fermented ripened cheeses are vegetable products free of animal ingredients and preservatives, made through natural aging processes."


    1. In this lesson we will learn how to ferment the substrates. Then we will give shapes to our Hormas .

    1. In this lesson we will use different techniques to preserve our pieces, we will use spices, active carbon, dehydration and smoking.

    1. It's time to turn your kitchen into a laboratory, we inoculate and start our Brie and Blue Cheese pieces.

    1. Finally, we will see how to follow the evolution of the pieces inoculated with Mohos, their care and conservation.

    1. Artisan Cheeses of Natural Fermentation

About the Course

  • $60.00
  • Intermediate - Advanced Level
  • Spanish - English
  • E book and Digital Certificate

Get unlimited access for one year to the Plant Based Artisan Cheese course.

With a single payment you can access the course, download our E-Books and become part of the Crudo Universe.

AR$ 60.000

With a single payment, access all the content for one year. Join with Mercado Pago in up to 6 installments without interest of Ars 10,000. If you choose to make a bank transfer, contact us at [email protected] or send us a WhatsApp.

About the Course

  • 100% ONLINE Course

    Course on your own time, from your favorite device and from the best place in the world, your home, your kitchen.

  • Unlimited access

    You will be able to watch the high definition material as many times as you want, review each recipe step by step and copy the gestures of our teachers and craftsmen.

  • Recipes and Theoretical Material

    Access to theoretical material and step-by-step recipes, which you can download, print and take notes. The high quality videos are not downloadable, but you will have access 24/7 for a year from your student profile Crudo.

  • Community of teachers and students

    By joining our On demand courses, you get access to our Communities, where you can leave all your questions, share experiences and our staff of professionals and advanced students will guide you in the learning process.

Máximo Cabrera

Learn with:

Chef, researcher and disseminator of Vegetable Based Cuisine. Latin American reference, he has studied and experienced the implications of our food choices on our health and that of our environment. Creator of the first plant based restaurants in Argentina, gastronomic advisor and trainer of new gastronomes, both cooks and diners.

Maximo Cabrera

Studio Curator Crudo