What ingredients make up a Plant Based Ice Cream? In this class Maximo shows us the key ingredients so you can customize your creations. Sweeteners, fats and superfoods.
In this class we will learn two basic creams to make ice cream. We will also see a simple and effective process to obtain ice cream without using specific machines.
In this opportunity, sesame, hazelnuts and chocolate will serve as an example to customize and regulate the glycemic index of these preparations. You will also learn the correct seeding technique.
Be part of the Vanguard and learn how to include probiotic drinks and superfoods in your frozen creations.
We build from noble raw materials. Banana and Cardamom, Mango, Coconut and Spirulina will be some of the ingredients for your ice creams.
In this class you will learn how to generate contrasts of flavors and textures with: a Caramel and Miso Sauce, a Red Fruit Sauce and a 100% Plant Based Chocolate Coating. Ice Popsicle Bath.

About the Course
- 9 lessons
- 2 hours of video content
- Initial Level
- Spanish - English
- E-book and Digital Certificate.
Máximo Cabrera
Learn with:
Maximo Cabrera
Studio Curator Crudo

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