
    1. Alkaline Noodles and Preparation of Homemade Kansui.

    2. Protocol for the creation of alkaline noodles.

    3. Techniques for the correct kneading and cutting of noodles.

    4. Slow Fermentation Noodles.

    5. Incorporation of dough fermentation techniques to improve flavor and digestibility of noodles.

    6. Clear Vegetable and Root Broth

    7. Exploitation of nutrients present in water after plant cooking.

    8. Optimal utilization of plant benefits without waste.

    9. Thick Broth of Seaweed and Shiitakes.

    10. Combination of the mineralization and marine flavor of seaweed with the intensity of flavors provided by shiitake and other seasonal mushrooms.

    11. Creation of "Spicy Dragon" Ramen.


  • $50.00
  • Language : Spanish

Value and Method of Payment

You can join the class by booking here with Credit Card or PayPal.

In Ars the value is $ 50.000 and you can enroll in up to 6 installments without interest with Mercado Pago.

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This cooking program aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the Kokumi concept and its application in the creation of ramen. The course covers the following key aspects: Discovery of the technique for making alkaline noodles, which includes the formulation of "kansui" (a special basic salt). Exploration of the culinary alchemy related to the preparation of broths, involving the caramelization of vegetables, the incorporation of miso, and the creation of enriched stocks with various types of mushrooms. Experimentation with toppings and toppings to enhance and balance the flavor of ramen. Participation in a hands-on course, in an enriching environment, designed for a small group of students interested in learning and enjoying gastronomy.

Máximo Cabrera

Cocinero investigador y divulgador de la Cocina Basada en Vegetales. Referente latinoamericano , ha estudiado y experimentado las implicancias de nuestras elecciones alimentarias en nuestra salud y la de nuestro entorno. Creador de los primeros restaurantes plant based en Argentina, asesor gastronómico y formador de los nuevos gastronomos, tanto cocineros como comensales.

Maximo Cabrera

Studio Curator Crudo